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Final Major Project

Exploring the theme of sustainability through the Final Major Project of my BA (Hons) Fashion Degree.

Greenpeace Story.png


My Final Major Project focused on the ways we interact with the natural world through fashion, specifically fast fashion. Through research and analysis, it was explored how the target demographic of fast fashion see their relationship with fashion as a direct contributor towards environmental damage. Along side this primary research, secondary research was undertaken to understand the harsh reality of the fashion industries devastating consequences on the environment.

The desired outcome of this project was to educate the target audience on the impacts of fast fashion brands, and to encourage a more sustainable relationship with fashion through the art of storytelling. This was done through a series of two advertisement films, supported by two infographics and a plan for a wider advertisement campaign, between various charities and the second-hand selling platform Depop. This decision was made due to the sustainable foundations of the second-hand selling platform, also with the same target demographic as the project.

A sustainable ethos was embedded into this project from the beginning as the overall outcome aimed to promote a sustainable relationship with fashion. During the research and production of the final campaign, each step was considered in relation to sustainability and how to minimise any environmental impact whilst still producing an impactful campaign. To do this, all research was carried out online, or on campus, prop sourcing was done through using items already available, and filming was done within the local area or as close too as possible, minimising any pollution travel would create.

Sustainability ran prominently throughout this project, as it went on to win the Considered Fashion award at Graduate Fashion Week. It was noted that my passion for the subject was evident after presenting my project to the judge, Anne-Marie Curtis, former Editor In Chief of Elle Magazine, and Founder and Editor in Chief of the sustainable glossy, The Calendar Magazine.

To see the final films, along with me discussing my work, please click the button below.

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