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Research Report
'The Influence of Online Trading as a Solution to the Implications Caused by Fast Fashion, in Relation to the Environment.'

Exploring the theme of sustainability through a research report.

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Main Points


Initial planning for this report focused on the theme of sustainability and how it resonates with today's fashion industry. The largest growing sector of the fashion industry appears to be fast fashion due to the popularity with the younger generations and ease of accessibility. With the aim of seeing how the target audience of fast fashion view sustainability and researching deeper into a possible solution, primary research and secondary research were carried out.

To complete the primary research an ethics form was required to ensure participant confidentiality. For this, a disclaimer was included in the questionnaire for participants to see before taking part, with the opportunity to end the questionnaire if they wished, and the assurance that their personal details would not be stored.

During the report, environmental sustainability was at the forefront of the research and underpinned the overall theme. Key factors to explore were how the environment was impacted by the fast fashion industry by its by-products during production and its waste once consumers have finished with their garments. The garment lifecycle was discussed to show these elements before moving onto possible sustainable solutions that would align with the lifestyle of the target audience.

To conclude the report, it was suggested that second-hand selling platforms could be a way to extend the life of a garment along with a more considered approach to the way consumers shop. However, it is also highlighted that there is a much bigger issue that stems from the industry itself and the way in which the fast fashion business model is set up to overproduce and create a throw-away culture.

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